To keep your network running at its optimum performance you need to perform computer network maintenance on a regular basis. Network maintenance includes monitoring your bandwidth and checking packets. There are many good free Open Source utilities, such as, WireShark, nMap, and many others that can capture packets for analysis and provide bandwidth stress testing to help find any faulty component or possible noise sources.
WireShark is a great utility for capturing and analyzing packets. It has a nice easy to use graphical user interface. You can use it to quickly determine possible bandwidth problems concerning protocol or packet issues. You can capture as much data as you need and save it offline for later analysis.
nMap is another nice utility that can be used to monitor your network and quickly determine network inventory and possible unauthorized access.
Cabling is still a big source of network problems. CAT6 cabling is a must for newer networks. The older CAT5 cabling allows to much noise insertion through the cable and connectors. CAT6 is also better suited for 1Gbps networks and above.
Managed Switches
Managed switches are a must for network security and bandwidth optimization. They allow you managed access to any port to limit or control MAC addressing. You can be immediately notified of unauthorized access attempts and you have the option of locking out the port.
Website Blocking
Managed routers and proxy servers provide you website name or IP address blocking. You can also block all Internet access except for a few allowed sites or use a subscription list for blocking just known questionable sites.
Virtual Servers
Virtual servers is the latest tool for administrators to consolidate servers and allow for easy backup and restore. Now when a server get corrupted or infected it is a simple matter of just rebooting the computer to provide a fresh clean image.
WireShark is a great utility for capturing and analyzing packets. It has a nice easy to use graphical user interface. You can use it to quickly determine possible bandwidth problems concerning protocol or packet issues. You can capture as much data as you need and save it offline for later analysis.
nMap is another nice utility that can be used to monitor your network and quickly determine network inventory and possible unauthorized access.

Cabling is still a big source of network problems. CAT6 cabling is a must for newer networks. The older CAT5 cabling allows to much noise insertion through the cable and connectors. CAT6 is also better suited for 1Gbps networks and above.

Managed switches are a must for network security and bandwidth optimization. They allow you managed access to any port to limit or control MAC addressing. You can be immediately notified of unauthorized access attempts and you have the option of locking out the port.
Website Blocking
Managed routers and proxy servers provide you website name or IP address blocking. You can also block all Internet access except for a few allowed sites or use a subscription list for blocking just known questionable sites.
Virtual Servers
Virtual servers is the latest tool for administrators to consolidate servers and allow for easy backup and restore. Now when a server get corrupted or infected it is a simple matter of just rebooting the computer to provide a fresh clean image.